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Medical Marijuana News Channel

Sunday, April 30, 2017
California Seeks Control of Unruly Medical Cannabis Industry
California is trying to get control of its unruly medical marijuana industry.
State regulators released draft regulations Friday intended to impose order on the loosely organized marketplace created over two decades ago.
The proposal would establish the first comprehensive rules for growing, testing, transporting and selling medical cannabis in the state that is home to 1 in 8 Americans.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Cannabinoids Could Be Part Of The Cure For Alzheimer’s, Preliminary Study Finds
Credit: The Catholic Catalogue
In a preliminary study conducted by researchers from the Salk Institute it was found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other compounds found in marijuana could aid in the process of removing plaque-forming proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Department of health warns Florida residents about medical marijuana scam: VIDEO
A warning from Florida's Dept. of Health. A weed scam is happening in the state as medical marijuana legislation is working its way through Tallahassee.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Half of cancer patients using cannabis, say doctors
It’s a highly charged issue, and when it comes to medicinal cannabis, New Zealand – like many countries – is grappling with what to do about it.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Senate medical marijuana plan ready for a floor vote
Supporters of the Senate plan include Stephani Scruggs, the director of field operations in Florida for Donald Trump's presidential campaign, whose husband suffers from epilepsy.
When Stephani Scruggs tried to speak at a Senate committee meeting on medical marijuana last week, her husband suffered an epileptic seizure and was taken away in a wheelchair.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
The waiting game: Why families who need medical marijuana are struggling to get it in PA
Getting legal access to medical marijuana is no easy task in Pennsylvania, and for the Sharrer’s that’s no exception.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Green Rush Hits Pa. During Medical Pot Expo: VIDEO
NBC10's Alicia Lozano attended the World Medical Cannabis Conference & Expo in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania over the weekend. During her time there, she spoke with Jake Eerie as he made a glass water pipe, State Senator Daylin Leach about why he believes recreational marijuana will come to Pennsylvania, State Senator Mike Folmer about his experience using cannabis-based treatments during chemotherapy and Delaware mother Janie Maedler about how cannabis-based medicine helps her 11-year-old daughter cope with seizures.
Eighty miles outside Pittsburgh a billboard asked drivers which option they would prefer to treat pain: opioids or medical marijuana? “The choice should be yours,” the sign read.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Iowa Legislature approves last-minute expansion of medical cannabis oil program
Peyton Parker, 18, of Panora, carries a box of files down from the House chambers on Friday, April 21, 2017, at the Iowa Capitol Building in Des Moines.
Iowa lawmakers struck a last-minute deal early Saturday morning to expand the state's limited medical cannabis program, approving legislation that would allow marijuana to be grown in Iowa and dispensed as an oil to seriously ill patients.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Medical marijuana could save Medicaid $1 billion in prescription drug costs
(Credit: AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)
This originally appeared on The Fresh Toast.
If Congress were to legalize medical marijuana nationwide for medicinal purposes, it could save the Medicaid program $1 billion in prescription drug costs, according to new study published in Health Affairs.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill to Legalize CBD Oil
A little over a month ago, Wisconsin’s lawmakers voted on a bill that would allow patients with specific conditions to possess and use CBD oil with a physician’s recommendation. At the time there was only one vote against it out of both chambers – which was a big deal after prior legislation a couple years back had been significantly voted against. The bill was then sent over to Governor Scott Walker, who has just finally signed the bill into law this week, making it official that CBD oil is legal for patients to use in Wisconsin.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Iowa Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Legislation
Since early in the legislative session, the talk of medical marijuana in Iowa has mostly centered around a bill introduced in the House that aims to increase access to CBD oil for a number of patients – but we all know how little CBD laws really do in the grand scheme of things compared to a comprehensive medical marijuana program. As it turns out, the Senate has been working on their own bill, Senate File 506, which they passed this week with an overwhelmingly favorable vote of 45-5, sending the bill over to the House for consideration.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Cambridge’s first medical marijuana shop, SageNaturals, opens
The first medical marijuana dispensary to open in Cambridge looks more like an Apple store than a pot shop.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Western Governors Send Pro-Pot Letter to the Trump Administration
Image Source: Getty
Concerned over the rapid influx of anti-pot sentiments coming from members of the Trump administration, the cannabis-legal states of Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska just wrote a pro-pot letter to anti-pot Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
Monday, April 17, 2017
If Jeff Sessions wants to crack down on medical marijuana, he’ll have to battle more than half the country
Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to bring back the war on drugs, but on medical marijuana — which he says “has been hyped, maybe too much” — he may be too late.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Uruguay Announces Plan to Let Pharmacies Begin Selling Legal Marijuana
Image Source: GETTY
Last week the government of Uruguay announced plans to begin the final phase of marijuana legalization in that country. Starting in July, they say they are going to approve and license pharmacies to begin selling legal cannabis.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
As questions linger, patients register for Maryland's medical cannabis program
Image Source: LEAFLY
About 1,200 patients have registered with the state to eventually obtain medical cannabis — even as lawsuits and political fights cloud the future of the fledgling industry.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Americans for Safe Access Unity Conference to Secure the Role of Cannabis in Modern Medicine
Image Courtesy of Americans for Safe Access
The uncertainty of cannabis legality nationwide, coupled with the anti-cannabis rhetoric coming from top Trump officials, makes it a pivotal time for medical professionals to secure the role of medical marijuana in modern medicine. It’s also the theme for the Americans for Safe Access 5th Annual Unity Conference that was held this week.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Maryland Begins Accepting Applications for Medical Marijuana Patient and Caregiver Licenses
Some states have had a harder (and much slower) time than others when it comes to getting their medical marijuana programs up and running, and for Maryland things are finally starting to fall into place. After more than three years the state is finally preparing to accept applications from patients and caregivers who qualify for medical marijuana under the state’s laws. The process will start by dividing up application periods by patients’ last names, with A-L being open to applications this week, and M-Z starting next week. It won’t be until April 24th before they are open to accepting applications from anyone who missed this first opportunity.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Voters in Kansas City Overwhelmingly Approve Marijuana Decriminalization

This past Tuesday, voters in Kansas City went to the polls and approved a marijuana decriminalization measure with 74% of the vote. Previously, possession of up to 35 grams in the city was punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine. That infraction will now result in a $25 fine, with no arrest and nothing being placed on your criminal record.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
11-Year Old with Uncontrollable Epilepsy Receives Permission To Bring CannaKids’ Cannabis Oil Back to The UK
Image Courtesy of CannaKids
Back in December of 2016, we had the pleasure of interviewing some of the incredible professionals and philanthropists at CannaKids about their annual toy drive and holiday event, which raises thousands of dollars for families with sick children. Now, the California-based cooperative is at the center of another touching and groundbreaking story.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
DOJ Task Force to Determine How to Approach Federal Marijuana Enforcement
Ever since the mere mention of the fact that Jeff Sessions may be picked for Attorney General, the cannabis industry has been on their toes waiting to see what will happen next with their shaky relationship with the federal government. Not long after Sessions was confirmed as Attorney General, White House press secretary Sean Spicer made an announcement that there would likely be more federal enforcement of marijuana in states with recreational cannabis – and went on to try and fabricate a link between cannabis legalization and the spreading of the opioid epidemic in the country.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Florida Senate Panel Passes a More Favorable Medical Marijuana Bill
None of the bills that have been introduced in Florida legislature have been anywhere close to what voters and activists had in mind when Amendment 2 passed in November. The bill introduced by the House is so restrictive that the Florida for Care group (who ran the Yes on 2 campaign) has called it the “Mel Sembler Medical Marijuana Act”. And while the Senate version still has a few issues that aren’t handled the way many would have hoped, it is far more favorable than the alternative. Senate Bill 406 has just received approval from the Senate Health Quality Committee, and must pass two more committee hearings before being considered at the Senate floor.
Friday, April 7, 2017
With Bill Passage, West Virginia Set to Become 29th MMJ State
(David Smith/AP)
There are now 28 American states where you can legally be a medicinal cannabis patient, and there may soon be 29. In West Virginia, SB 386, which legalizes the production, sale, and use of medical cannabis, received final approval in the West Virginia legislature on Thursday. The measure now heads to the desk of Gov. Jim Justice.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Cannabis Legalization Bills Make Splash in Congress
Cannabis prohibition at the federal level could soon come to an end thanks to congressional legislation introduced Thursday morning to remove cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act and instead regulate and tax it similarly to alcohol.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Dispensary Prepares to Deliver Statewide
In the process of setting up their recreational cannabis industry, it’s nice to see that Massachusetts hasn’t forgotten about the patients who are a part of the state’s medical marijuana program. Medical cannabis was legalized in 2012, but it has been a very slow process to get it started. There are only a dozen or so dispensaries in the entire state. This has left the state’s tens of thousands of patients with few options on where to get their medicine – and for those with mobility issues or who live nowhere near a dispensary, it could potentially mean going without.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
State of the Leaf: Texas Decriminalization Measure Moves Ahead, MMJ Stalls in SC
There’s a lot going on in Tallahassee as Sunshine State legislators forge the regulatory framework for Florida’s medial marijuana program.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Govs Urge Sessions to Keep Cannabis Legal
Earlier today the governors of Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington sent a letter to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, urging them to uphold the Obama-era policies that have allowed the legal and regulated use of cannabis to proceed in their states.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Anti-Legalization Pharmaceutical Company Gets Schedule II Clearance for its Synthetic THC Drug
Last week, the pharmaceutical giant Insys Therapeutics scored a major victory when it was announced that their new synthetic THC drug – Syndros – was approved by the Drug Enforcement Administration for placement on Schedule II of the federal Controlled Substances Act.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Patients Waiting for Kidney Transplants Kicked Off Waiting List for Medical Marijuana Use

There are a lot of issues that still surround the medical use of cannabis – and in this case it’s whether or not people who need organ transplants should be disqualified from eligibility based on their use of medical marijuana. Unfortunately for patients in Maine this is the reality as at least two patients who both need a new kidney are being told that as long as they medicate with cannabis they will have to go without the life-saving transplant. A new bill introduced in legislature would ban hospitals from disqualifying patients solely based on their use of marijuana.
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