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Medical Marijuana News Channel

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Fields of Green: An Inside Look at How Medical Marijuana Is Made in New York: VIDEO
Tucked in the rolling hills of Orange County, New York, inside a row of anonymous buildings and behind doors bristling with security, is an operation few have ever seen.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Study: Medical marijuana changes how employees use sick time: VIDEO
"Fact #1: Legalizing marijuana is bad for the workplace."
That's the stark warning from the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace, a nonprofit that works to combat drug use among American employees.
"The impact of employee marijuana use is seen in the workplace in lower productivity, increased workplace accidents and injuries, increased absenteeism, and lower morale," the institute writes. "This can and does seriously impact the bottom line."
Does it really, though?
Monday, August 29, 2016
Oregon Collects $25.5M in Cannabis Taxes
Oregon has processed $25.5 million in tax payments from recreational marijuana from January through the end of July.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Hogan, Frosh also concerned about lack of diversity in medical pot licenses
Darryl Hill, 72, a lifelong advocate for minority advancement in business and the first African American on the University of Maryland football team, was part of a team that applied for a medical marijuana grow license and was denied. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and Attorney General Brian Frosh (D) have joined black state lawmakers in expressing dismay about the lack of diversity in Maryland’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
User-Friendly Search Service Wikileaf Appeals to Broad Market
When recreational cannabis was first implemented in Colorado and Washington State two years ago, consumers were met with a sometimes confusing and frustrating buying process. One dispensary could offer a strain for half of the price of their local competitors. Prices were a bit more predictable, consumer based and market-driven when recreational sales in Oregon started last fall, but there seems to still be a need for a user-driven cannabis search service that caters to less experienced consumers.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Cannabis and Relationships: Reframing Limiting Beliefs
One of the many things about cannabis effects I find so useful is it helps open up my mind to new perspectives and allows me to problem solve from different angles, and this is especially true when reflecting on relationships. My current favorite strain for deep, contemplative personal work is Cherry AK-47. (Thanks to SPARC in SF for hooking me up!) Its sweet flavor makes it incredibly pleasant to smoke and the effects deliver a euphoric, energetic head space that is highly conducive to making previously unrealized connections.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Could legalizing recreational pot help medical marijuana patients: VIDEO
The state maintains a list of people who have registered for a medical marijuana card. Supporters of “Yes on 4” believe recreational pot will help medical marijuana patients who don’t want to get the card.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Doctors face medical marijuana knowledge gap: VIDEO
Image Source: REACHMD
Medical marijuana has been legal in Maine for almost 20 years. But Farmington physician Jean Antonucci says she continues to feel unprepared when counseling sick patients about whether the drug could benefit them.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
All Solutions For Medical Cannabis Point To Congress
Today over 300 million Americans live in states with medical cannabis laws, and over 2 million individuals are legally using medical cannabis under these state programs. However, all of these patients and programs are in violation of federal laws.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Cannabis as a Potential Treatment for Glaucoma
Glaucoma is an eye disorder that occurs as a result of an increase in eye fluid pressure (intraocular pressure/IOP) due to an increased release of aqueous humor (eye fluid) in the front region of the eye or impaired outflow or drainage of aqueous fluid.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Medical marijuana ruling is a temporary win
A federal appeals court gave medical marijuana advocates what seemed like a big win this week with a unanimous ruling that the federal government may not prosecute people who grow and distribute medicinal cannabis if they comply with state laws.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Benefits of Cannabis Terpenes: Ocimene, Terpinolene, and Guaiol
Terpenes are a group of fragrant essential oils – secreted alongside cannabinoids like THC and CBD – that contribute to the complex aromas and flavors of cannabis flowers. They are also generally responsible for many of the distinguishing characteristics and effects of different strains, and this discovery has led to a sharp increase in interest among researchers, producers, and consumers alike in recent years. While much research has yet to be done on terpenes, their potential to offer unique benefits to medical patients has only heightened this interest.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
A small step for medicinal marijuana
DEA doesn't reclassify drug but expands growth for research
The Drug Enforcement Administration recently announced it won’t reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, but it did make one change that will allow more research on the drug’s medicinal properties.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
A Federal Court Just Gave a Huge Victory to the Medical Marijuana Industry
The federal government cannot pay to prosecute state-sanctioned marijuana use, the federal court said
The Department of Justice cannot spend money to prosecute people who violate federal drug laws but are in compliance with state medical marijuana laws, a federal court ruled on Tuesday. The ruling prevents federal law enforcement from funding prosecution of anyone who obeys a state’s medical marijuana laws.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
DEA Paves Narrow Path for Cannabis Research
It’s a federal decision that could mean a sea change for the cannabis world. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) released a new policy on Thursday morning that will, for the first time, supply quality cannabis to the world of American researchers. The new policy statement from the DEA (in consultation with NIDA and the FDA) outlines a new approach to the availability of medical grade marijuana for science.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Medical Cannabis in Israel to Become More Accessible
- Availability of medical cannabis in Israel to reach an all-time high
- Israeli justice minister mulls decriminalization of marijuana
- Israel must leave marijuana smokers alone
Sunday, August 14, 2016
The DEA's Scheduling Decision: What Does It Mean?
Marijuana will remain on the government's list of most highly regulated and dangerous drugs, the Obama administration says, despite growing popular support for widespread legalization.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
As states OK medical marijuana laws, doctors struggle with knowledge gap
(Photo: Seth Perlman, AP)
Medical marijuana has been legal in Maine for almost 20 years. But Farmington physician Jean Antonucci says she continues to feel unprepared when counseling sick patients about whether the drug could benefit them.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Gupta: DEA's missed opportunity on medical marijuana: VIDEO
Image Source: CNN
There is really just one salient question when it comes to today's decision by the Drug Enforcement Administration to expand the number of growers of research-grade marijuana while still not changing the scheduling of marijuana: Will this decision make it significantly easier for scientists to study the medical benefits of marijuana?
Thursday, August 11, 2016
U.S. will affirm its prohibition on medical marijuana
Marijuana plants growing at a Minnesota Medical Solutions greenhouse in Otsego, Minn. last year. The crop is part of the state's medical marijuana supply. (Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune/AP)
The government on Thursday will refuse again to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes, reaffirming its conclusion that the drug's therapeutic value has not been proved scientifically, according to government officials, and defying a growing clamor to legalize it for the treatment of a variety of conditions.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Gallup Poll: Cannabis Use Rises Among Adults
More than one in eight adults in the United States — 13 percent — smoke cannabis, according to a Gallup poll released this week.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Does Cannabis Legalization Affect Employer Drug Testing?
As cannabis legalization continues to be a hot button issue this election season, some business owners and employers are conflicted about their policies of drug testing. Most legal cannabis business owners likely only have an issue with their employees being high on the job. But some employers in other industries with businesses in legal states – which could finally include California this fall – are conflicted about whether to continue testing their employees for cannabis.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Supporters of medical marijuana for PTSD waiting on New Jersey governor
New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie
Image Source: USBUZZBLOG5
Veterans and others in New Jersey are waiting on Gov. Chris Christie to decide whether they'll be allowed to legally treat their post-traumatic stress disorder with marijuana.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Long Story Short
A study published recently in the journal Health Affairs found that there are significantly fewer prescription drugs being used in states with legal medical marijuana programs. These stats could play a key role in big pharma’s ongoing fight against cannabis legalization.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Medical Marijuana Makes Its Market Debut In Boston As City's First Dispensary Opens
Nearly four years after medical marijuana was approved by Massachusetts voters, the first Boston dispensary opens Wednesday.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Health Dept. sluggish on medical marijuana report: VIDEO
More than a month ago, News 4 began asking the Department of Health when it would have a progress report on the Compassionate Care Act, the state’s medical marijuana program.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Research shows medical marijuana can reduce the side effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) and provide relief to those suffering from this illness. MS is an autoimmune disease and progressive neurodegenerative condition. It affects the nervous system, which gradually impacts the entire body.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
City Council president, mayor at odds on marijuana referendum
Boston City Council President Michelle Wu
Boston City Council President Michelle Wu and Councilor Tito Jackson will formally endorse the state ballot push to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The move, to be announced at a State House event Wednesday morning, puts them directly at odds with Mayor Martin J. Walsh, who is helping to lead the charge against the referendum.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Illegal Patient Profiles: Finding Life Beyond Prescription Pills
Most doctors think pills are the answer to your problems. It’s not totally their fault; it’s what they were taught in medical school, the same medical schools that teach next to nothing about the medicinal value of cannabis.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Medical marijuana war heads to next battle: VIDEO
Marijuana was sold legally in Florida for the first time this week since it was outlawed by the federal government in 1937.
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